You require assistance to change the way in which you are billed for your Kayako instance, by enabling or disabling Auto-Pay.
If you wish that Auto-Pay is enabled or disabled for your account, please raise a Support ticket with the following information:
- The name of your Kayako instance; e.g.: "example.kayako.com"
- The relevant details for your request; i.e.: whether you would like to enable or disable Auto-Pay, and any related queries.
Please ensure that your request comes from an account that can be validated against your billing information so that it is addressed in a timely manner.
Note: If you no longer have access to the registered email address of the account, you may request to change the email address on the file. To make sure we are processing requests from authorized account holders only, please include the following information in your email:
- Copy of recent invoice
- Billing email address and mailing address registered on the account