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Requesting Assistance to Add a Credit or Debit Card to Your Account


Adding a credit or debit card in Kayako can be done directly in the admin area of your dashboard, as explained in our article on Checking or Updating Your Billing Information, Price Plan, or Payment Method. However, it may be the case that you are unable to do this yourself and wish that your credit card be added directly by the Support team. Note that we may also assist you with the Removal of a Credit Card's Details.


If you wish that a certain credit card be added to your billing account, please raise a Support ticket with the following information:

  • The name of your Kayako instance; e.g.: ""
  • The link to the privnote below.

Navigate to and create a note with the following information:

  • All relevant credit card information, as you would need to introduce in your Kayako dashboard (Card number, Cardholder name, CVV, and expiration date).
  • Whether it is a credit or debit card.
  • Whether you wish that the card be selected for all future Kayako payments, instead of your currently selected method.
  • The billing contact to which the card should be added, if different from your current billing contact.

Fill in the information in the yellow area below and click "Create note".


Copy the link indicated in the screen below and send it with the Support ticket request.



Before sending the Support ticket, please ensure that your request comes from an account that can be validated against your billing information so that it is addressed in a timely manner. If you wish that the card be added to a different account than your current billing contact, you will need to register it before proceeding.

Note: If you no longer have access to the registered email address of the account, you may request to change the email address on the file. To make sure we are processing requests from authorized account holders only, please include the following information in your email:
  • Copy of recent invoice
  • Billing email address and mailing address registered on the account
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