You wish to end your Kayako subscription, but there is no option in the Kayako interface that allows you to cancel your Kayako subscription or account.
If you no longer wish to continue the service, you may request to stop the billing and close the account. All cancellations or refunds requests must go through the renewals team. Refer to the sections below to learn more about requesting cancellation or refund.
Cancellation Requests
We are very sorry to hear that you are considering canceling your Kayako account. If you are facing any technical issues with Kayako, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to help you.
If you wish to proceed with the cancellation of your account, please contact cancellations@trilogy.com.
To ensure that we are processing requests from authorized account holders only, when sending your cancellation request, please include one of the following:
- Copy of previously paid invoice.
- Billing email address and mailing address registered in the account.
- Should you wish to get a full backup or data dump of your instance, please see the Requesting an Instance Backup for Kayako article.
- You can still access your instance to view tickets and conversations within the grace period, as described in the Access to the Instance After License Expiration article.
- If you wish that your instance and all information contained be immediately deleted instead, please let us know in your ticket, or raise another ticket with this request. Please be aware that all data will be unable to be restored after performing this task.