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Viewing the Original Email Content of a Conversation Post


If you want to see the original message from the sender instead of the processed email, you can manually switch between the original email view and the processed email view. The default view is always the processed email view, and this setting can't be changed. You can't set Kayako to display the "original email" by default but you can manually switch between the views.





By default, Kayako shows you the processed email view when you open a conversation. This view renders the page in a non-HTML format. In the Kayako user interface, you have the option to switch between the processed email view and the original email view.

Kayako shows the "processed email" view by default to ensure that the platform renders the page efficiently. This default setting avoids having to load the entire email content, which usually causes memory leaks and browser issues, every time you open a conversation. Therefore, the default view is always the processed email view as mentioned earlier and this setting can't be changed. However, you can manually switch between the views.

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To show the original email message in Kayako:

  1. Open a conversation.

  2. Hover over to the message in the conversation timeline.

  3. Click the downward arrow in the upper-right of the message. 

  4. To view the message in its original formatting, click the Show original email.
    Fig.1 - This image shows the processed email view of a message in Kayako.



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After clicking the Show original email, the screen will display the original message formatting of the email as shown in the sample screenshot below. Notice the difference between the formatting on the image below versus the processed email view in Fig. 1 above. 
Fig. 2 - This image shows the original email formatting or view of a message.
Note: You can switch back to the processed email view from the same menu, by selecting Show processed email.


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