One might be looking to request a copy of all articles in a specific format such as HTML, and wondering whether this can be provided by our support team.
The Support Team cannot provide copies or backups in an HTML format. We can only provide a full backup containing all data (including help center articles) in a MySQL dump file format.
Having said that, there are a couple of different approaches one can obtain the article's content in HTML.
Use the API
One can follow the instructions in the Exporting Kayako Help Center Articles via API article to get the article data in a JSON format.
And from the JSON payload, we can see that the contents of the article are already returned in HTML for each of the languages used in the instance.
Use the SQL backup
As mentioned above, one can request a SQL dump from support. Refer to Requesting a Data Dump or Backup for Your Kayako Instance for further details.
Once the backup is received and deployed, one can reference the tables below to find the HTML contents from the articles.
article - This table contains the article details such as its author, creation date, and article ID.
fieldlocale - This table stores the translations/content of different areas on your helpdesk including articles. Each entry has a unique fieldlocaleid and in the case of article translations, the content would be stored in HTML.
fieldlocalelinks - This is the table that links the content to a specific parent such as an article. Here one can find the translation (fieldlocaleid) that is linked to the article (parentid).
Note: Custom SQL queries are outside of the scope of the support team, and the tables mentioned above are a reference for where one can find the HTML content information, but it is up to the user to query their backup on their end.