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  • Viewing Your Support Metrics with Insights

    Overview Measuring the success of your support efforts is critical. Metrics help you understand your customers' experience, give you insight into weak spots of your operation, and help you track wheth...

  • Understanding "Customers Helped" and "Conversations Touched" Data in Kayako Insights

    Overview This article explains the difference between Customers Helped and Conversations Touched data in Kayako Insights. Upon reading this article, you should: Interpret what the Customers Helped and...

  • Running Custom Reports on Schedule

    Overview Although we do not have a ready custom report scheduling functionality in Kayako itself, we have a relatively easy workaround you can run on your own system.  In this article, we will go over...

  • Removing the Deleted Custom Fields From a Custom Report

    Overview Using custom reports gives you direct access to all of your conversations and customer data. It makes them available for quick export into a CSV spreadsheet. When you generate a custom report...

  • Interpreting Performance Metrics in Insights

    Overview You can identify weak spots of your team's performance from the Insights page when you know how the metrics are calculated and can interpret each metric within it. This article explains how t...

  • Interpreting Custom Reports Columns

    Overview The article describes the Columns used in custom reports. Information The following table describes each column used with custom reports: Column Description Case ID Unique conversation ID (nu...

  • Generating Custom Reports in Kayako

    Overview   You can create custom reports from the Insights section of the agent area. From there, you'll be able to define the criteria for each report and save them so you and your team can run them ...

  • Finding Self-Service Metrics for Your Help Center

    Overview Understanding what your customers are looking for on your Help Center is the first step to improving your self-service. For a quick glance at what customers are searching for and reading, you...

  • Benchmarks and Performance for SLA Targets

    Overview Service level agreements (SLAs) help your support team respond to and resolve issues in a timely manner. From the Insights area, you can monitor how well your team is meeting your SLA plan ta...