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Managing Your Customers' Support Experience with Brands


Brands tie together all of the customer-facing elements of the Kayako support experience. Although brands do most of their work behind the scenes, particularly if your team only uses a single brand, it is essential to understand how all of the different elements fit together so that you can customize them effectively.

This article provides valuable information about how brands work in Kayako, pointing you to resources that help you customize each aspect of a brand.


Understanding How Brands Work in Kayako

Single Brand

When you get started on Kayako, you have a single, default brand defined. That brand governs all the elements of Kayako that form your customers' support experience.

In Kayako, a brand is linked with your:

  • Help Center domain
  • Self-service content
  • Support channels
  • Email templates
  • Default language

Many teams use only a single brand. If that is the same for you, the main thing to understand is that if you want to use a custom domain for your Help Center or make changes to your team's email templates, you can do that by editing your brand in the admin area.


Multiple Brands

  • The real power of brands becomes apparent when your team needs to support several distinct audiences.
  • If you are taking advantage of Kayako's Growth, Scale, or Enterprise plan, you can create a brand for each audience you serve. With multiple brands, you can tailor several distinct support experiences for your customers, while still managing all of your conversations from a single support queue.
  • Each price plan has a designated limit for the number of brands allowed.

    Price Plan Brand Support
    Inbox One brand
    Growth Two brands
    Scale Five brands
    Enterprise Contact us for more information

    If you would like to add more brands or discuss pricing options, please contact our Sales department.

Now that you understand the role that brands play in Kayako, you can look at some common steps involved in customizing brands to suit your customers' needs.

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Building a Branded Customer Experience

Whether you have one brand or many, the tasks involved in customizing your customers' support experience are the same. For each brand in Kayako, you can:

  • Customize the domain: You can use a default Kayako domain for each brand you support, or you can have Kayako use a custom subdomain. In other words, you can host a brand's Help Center (support.[yourcompany].com) instead of using your default URL ([yourcompany]

    To learn more about adding custom domains, please refer to the article Configuring Custom Domain and SSL Certificate for Help Center.

  • Populate the Help Center: Each brand has its own Help Center, where you can host brand-specific self-service content. You can use Kayako's customization features to make sure each Help Center is in line with the style of the brand it is supporting.

    Please refer to the article Customizing the Appearance of Your Help Center for more information.

  • Tailor your email templates: Your email templates control the structure and format of your messages with your customers. If you are managing multiple brands, you can edit each set of templates to conform with the appropriate branding.

    The article Modifying Templates to Customize Your Help Center and Emails provides additional information about customizing your templates.

  • Configure brand-specific support channels: Once you have more than one brand defined, you can add additional support channels that are tied to a specific brand. Conversations that come in via those channels are automatically associated with that brand.

    You can learn more in these articles about adding support channels in email, Messenger, Twitter, and Facebook.

  • Build-out brand-based workflows: Your team's workflows may vary from brand to brand. You can manage that complexity by building views, SLAs, and automations that are targeted at conversations within a particular brand.

    Please refer to these articles on adding/editing views, SLAs, and automations.

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