Start a conversation

Placeholders for Customizing Email Templates, Macros, and Notifications


In this article, we've put together a reference table that lists and categorizes all of Kayako's placeholders, to help you find the right placeholder for the right situation. At the end of this article, you will also find links to some basic real-life solutions to issues where placeholders are used in conversation replies, email notifications, and email templates.



Kayako has a wide variety of placeholders available so you can customize your email templates, macros, and notifications for a more authentic and meaningful support experience. When each interaction feels tailored to their needs, even your most passive users can turn into loyal advocates for your organization.

You can use placeholders to reference users, organizations, custom fields, conversation replies, private notes, and more.



Conversation Placeholders

The table below lists all of the placeholders that reference conversation information. You can use this when communicating details about a conversation to your agents and customers.


Case ID The conversation ID number. {{}}
Subject  The conversation's subject. {{case.subject}}
Priority  The conversation's current priority. {{case.priority}}
Type  The conversation type. {{case.type}}
Status  The conversation's current status. {{case.status}}
State  Identifies if the conversation is ACTIVE or TRASH. {{case.state}}
Tags  A comma-separated list of the conversation's tags. {{case.tags}}
Case source channel  Identifies which channel the conversation was created from. {{case.source_channel}}
Assigned team  The team assigned to the conversation. {{}}
Case form  The form used to submit the conversation. {{case.form}}
Brand name  The brand the conversation originated from. {{}}
Case agent URL  The agent-facing conversation URL. {{case.agent_url}}
Case Help Center URL  The Help Center-facing conversation URL. {{case.helpcenter_url}}
Custom fields  Use this format to reference custom conversation fields you’ve created. {{case.custom_fields.keyname.title}} : {{case.custom_fields.keyname.value}}
Satisfaction rating  The satisfaction rating received for the conversation. {{case.satisfaction_rating}}
Satisfaction status  Identifies if a satisfaction survey was sent for the conversation. {{case.satisfaction_status}}
Positive satisfaction rating URL  A URL to leave a positive satisfaction rating for a given conversation. {{case.satisfaction_positive_rating_url}}
Negative satisfaction rating URL  A URL to leave a negative satisfaction rating for a given conversation. {{case.satisfaction_negative_rating_url}}
Rating comment  References the satisfaction rating comment. {{case.satisfaction_rating_comment}}


Posts Placeholders

Posts refer to conversation replies or private notes. You can use these placeholders to reference posts added to a conversation.

NOTE: Some of these placeholders can only be used when enclosed in a {% for %} loop.


{% for post in case.posts %}
Post created at  Post creation timestamp. {{post.created_at}}
Post source channel  Identifies which channel the post was created from. {{post.source_channel}}
Post creator name  The post creator's name. {{}}
Post content in text  Displays the post content in plain text. {{post.contents_text}}
Post content in HTML  Displays the post content in HTML. {{post.contents_html}}
{% endfor %}
{% for post in case.public_posts %}
Post created at  The public post creation timestamp. {{post.created_at}}
Post source channel  Identifies which channel the public post was created from. {{post.source_channel}}
Post creator name  The public post creator's name. {{}}
Post content in text  Displays the public post content in plain text. {{post.contents_text}}
Post content in HTML  Displays the public post content in HTML. {{post.contents_html}}
{% endfor %}
Post created at  The latest case post timestamp. {{case.latest_post.created_at}}
Post source channel  Identifies which channel the latest case post created from. {{case.latest_post.source_channel}}
Post creator identity  This fetches the latest post creator's email address. {{case.latest_post.creator_identity}}
Post creator name  The latest case post creator's name. {{}}
Post content in text  Displays the latest case post in plain text. {{case.latest_post.contents_text}}
Post content in HTML  Displays the latest case post in HTML. {{case.latest_post.contents_html}}
Post created at  The latest public post timestamp. {{case.latest_public_post.created_at}}
Post source channel  Identifies which channel the latest public post was created from. {{case.latest_public_post.source_channel}}
Post creator identity  This fetches the latest public post creator's email address. {{case.latest_public_post.creator_identity}}
Post creator name  Identifies the latest public post creator's name. {{}}
Post content in text  Displays the latest public post in plain text. {{case.latest_public_post.contents_text}}
Post content in HTML  Displays the latest case post in HTML. {{case.latest_public_post.contents_html}}
Post created at  The latest private post timestamp. {{case.latest_private_post.created_at}}
Post source channel  Identifies which channel the latest private post was created from. {{case.latest_private_post.source_channel}}
Post creator identity  This fetches the latest private post creator's email address. {{case.latest_private_post.creator_identity}}
Post creator name  The latest private post creator's name. {{}}
Post content in text  Displays the latest private post in plain text. {{case.latest_private_post.contents_text}}
Post content in HTML  Displays the latest private post in HTML. {{case.latest_private_post.contents_html}}
Case formatted message history  All posts (6 latest posts, at max) formatted and prettily laid out for use. {{case.formatted_message_history}}
Case formatted public posts  A conversation's public posts formatted and prettily laid out for use. {{case.formatted_public_posts}}
Case formatted latest post  The latest post formatted and prettily laid out for use. {{case.formatted_latest_post}}
Case formatted latest public post  The latest public post formatted and prettily laid out for use. {{case.formatted_latest_public_post}}


User Placeholders

There are four types of user placeholders available on Kayako:

  • Requester
  • Assignee
  • Creator
  • Last Replier

This table lists all of the available placeholders for each user type.


Requester ID  The requester's ID number.  {{}}
Requester first name  The requester's first name. {{case.requester.first_name}}
Requester last name  The requester's last name. {{case.requester.last_name}}
Requester full name  The requester's first and last name. {{}}
Requester role  The requester's user role. {{case.requester.role}}
Requester tags  A comma-separated list of the requester's tags. {{case.requester.tags}}
Requester signature  The requester's signature. Only requesters with the agent user role can have signatures. {{case.requester.signature}}
Requester locale  The requester's selected language.  {{case.requester.locale}}
Requester Facebook  The requester's primary Facebook account.  {{case.requester.facebook}}
Requester Twitter  The requester's primary Twitter account.  {{case.requester.twitter}}
Requester email  The requester's primary email address.  {{}}
Requester phone  The requester's primary phone number.  {{}}
Requester org ID  The requester's organization ID number.  {{}}
Requester org name  The name of the requester's organization.  {{}}
Requester org tags  A comma-separated list of the requester's organization tags. {{case.requester.organization.tags}}
Requester custom field  Use this format to reference requester custom fields.  {{case.requester.custom_fields.[keyname].title}} : {{case.requester.custom_fields.[keyname].value}}
Requester custom organization field  Use this format to reference requester custom organization fields. {{case.requester.organization.custom_fields.[keyname].title}} : {{case.requester.organization.custom_fields.[keyname].value}}
Assignee ID  The assignee's user ID number.  {{}}
Assignee first name  The assignee's first name.  {{case.assignee.first_name}}
Assignee last name  The assignee's last name.  {{case.assignee.last_name}}
Assignee full name  The assignee's first and last name.  {{}}
Assignee role  The assignee's user role.  {{case.assignee.role}}
Assignee tags  A comma-separated list of the assignee's tags.  {{case.assignee.tags}}
Assignee signature  The assignee's signature. Only assignees with the agent user role can have signatures. {{case.assignee.signature}}
Assignee locale  The assignee's selected language.  {{case.assignee.locale}}
Assignee Facebook  The assignee's primary Facebook account.  {{case.assignee.facebook}}
Assignee Twitter  The assignee's primary Twitter account.  {{case.assignee.twitter}}
Assignee email  The assignee's primary email address.  {{}}
Assignee phone  The assignee's primary phone number.  {{}}
Assignee custom field  Use this format to reference assignee custom fields.  {{case.assignee.custom_fields.[keyname].title}} : {{case.assignee.custom_fields.[keyname].value}}
Assignee org ID  The assignee's organization ID number.  {{}}
Assignee org name  The name of the assignee's organization.  {{}}
Assignee org tags  A comma-separated list of the assignee's organization tags. {{case.assignee.organization.tags}}
Assignee org notes List the assignee's organization notes. {% for note in case.assignee.organization.notes %}
Note created at  The note creation timestamp. {{note.created_at}}
Note creator identity  The note creator's email address.  {{note.creator_identity}}
Note creator name  The note creator's name.  {{}}
Note content in text  The note's content in plain text.  {{note.contents_text}}
{% endfor %}
Assignee org custom field  Use this format to reference assignee custom organization fields. {{case.assignee.organization.custom_fields.[keyname].title}} : {{case.assignee.organization.custom_fields.[keyname].value}}
Creator ID  The creator's user ID number.  {{}}
Creator first name  The creator's first name.  {{case.creator.first_name}}
Creator last name  The creator's last name.  {{case.creator.last_name}}
Creator full name  The creator's first and last name.  {{}}
Creator role  The creator's user role.  {{case.creator.role}}
Creator tags  A comma-separated list of the creator's tags.  {{case.creator.tags}}
Creator signature  The creator's signature. Only creators with the agent user role can have signatures. {{case.creator.signature}}
Creator locale  The creator's selected language.  {{case.creator.locale}}
Creator Facebook  The creator's primary Facebook account.  {{case.creator.facebook}}
Creator Twitter  The creator's primary Twitter account.  {{case.creator.twitter}}
Creator email  The creator's primary email address.  {{}}
Creator phone  The creator's primary phone number.  {{}}
Creator custom field  Use this format to reference creator custom fields.  {{case.creator.custom_fields.[keyname].title}} : {{case.creator.custom_fields.[keyname].value}}
Creator org ID  The creator's organization ID number.  {{}}
Creator org name  The creator's organization name.  {{}}
Creator org notes  Lists the creator's organization notes. {{case.creator.organization.organization.notes}}
Creator org tags  A comma-separated list of creator organization tags.  {{case.creator.organization.organization.tags}}
Last replier ID  The last replier's user ID number.  {{}}
Last replier first name  The last replier's first name.  {{case.last_replier.first_name}}
Last replier last name  The last replier's last name.  {{case.last_replier.last_name}}
Last replier full name  The last replier's first and last name.  {{}}
Last replier role  The last replier's user role.  {{case.last_replier.role}}
Last replier tags  A comma-separated list of last replier tags.  {{case.last_replier.tags}}
Last replier signature  The last replier's signature. Only last repliers with the agent user role can have signatures. {{case.last_replier.signature}}
Last replier locale  The last replier's selected language.  {{case.last_replier.locale}}
Last replier Facebook  The last replier's primary Facebook account.  {{case.last_replier.facebook}}
Last replier Twitter  The last replier's primary Twitter account.  {{case.last_replier.twitter}}
Last replier email  The last replier's primary email address.  {{}
Last replier phone  The last replier's primary phone number.  {{}}
Last replier org ID  The last replier's organization ID number.  {{}}
Last replier org name  The last replier's organization name. {{}}
Last replier org tags  A comma-separated list of the last replier organization tags. {{case.last_replier.organization.tags}}
Last replier org notes Lists the replier's organization notes. {% for note in case.last_replier.organization.notes %}
Note created at  The note creation timestamp.  {{note.created_at}}
Note creator identity  The note creator's email address.  {{note.creator_identity}}
Note creator name  The note creator's name.  {{}}
Note content in text  The note's content in plain text.  {{note.contents_text}}
{% endfor %}
Last replier custom field  Use this format to reference last replier custom fields.  {{case.last_replier.custom_fields.[keyname].title}} : {{case.last_replier.custom_fields.[keyname].value}}
Last replier custom organization field  Use this format to reference last replier custom organization fields. {{case.last_replier.organization.custom_fields.[keyname].title}} : {{case.last_replier.organization.custom_fields.[keyname].value}}


Organization Placeholders

Organizations group users together, and collect all of the members' conversations, activities, and events in a single timeline.

The table below lists all of Kayako's organization's placeholders.

Organization ID  The organization ID number. {{}}
Organization name  The organization name. {{}}
Organization tags  A comma-separated list of the organization's tags. {{case.organization.tags}}
Custom organization field  Use this format to reference custom organization fields you’ve created. {{case.organization.custom_fields.[keyname].title}} : {{case.organization.custom_fields.[keyname].value}}


Update Event Placeholders

Update event placeholders reference the date, time, and user that last updated a conversation.
The table below lists all of Kayako's update event placeholders.


Is updated during teams business hours  Set to true (i.e., 1) if the conversation was updated during its team's business hours. {{case.update.in_business_hours}}
Is updated during a holiday  The holiday name the conversation was updated. {{case.update.current_holiday_name}}
Updated via channel  The channel over which the conversation was updated, such as Twitter, Facebook, email, or API. {{case.update.via_channel}}
Case created at  When the conversation was initially created. {{case.created_at}}
Case updated at  The timestamp when the conversation was last updated. {{case.updated_at}}
Last agent activity at  The timestamp when the last agent updated the conversation. {{case.last_agent_activity_at}}
Last customer activity at  The timestamp when the customer last updated the conversation. {{case.last_customer_activity_at}}
Last updated by ID  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by ID number. {{}}
Last updated by first name  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by their first name. {{case.last_updated_by.first_name}}
Last updated by last name  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by their last name. {{case.last_updated_by.last_name}}
Last updated by full name  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by their first and last name. {{}}
Last updated by role  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by their user role. {{case.last_updated_by.role}}
Last updated by tags  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by tags. {{case.last_updated_by.tags}}
Last updated by signature  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by their signature. {{case.last_updated_by.signature}}
Last updated by locale  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by their language. {{case.last_updated_by.locale}}
Last updated by Facebook  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by their primary Facebook account. {{case.last_updated_by.facebook}}
Last updated by Twitter  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by their primary Twitter account. {{case.last_updated_by.twitter}}
Last updated by email  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by their primary email address. {{}}
Last updated by phone  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by their primary phone number. {{}}
Last updated by org ID  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by their organization ID number. {{}}
Last updated by org name  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by their organization name. {{}}
Last updated by org tags  Identifies the last user that updated the conversation by their organization tags. {{case.last_updated_by.organization.tags}}


Related Articles

Below are some basic real-life solutions to issues where placeholders are used in conversation replies, email notifications, and email templates. You can copy these examples and use them for your conversations right away.

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